Produse pentru in viata (98)

Evaluarea ciclului de viață al dulapului Planet Outdoor Alto

Evaluarea ciclului de viață al dulapului Planet Outdoor Alto

Keter Italia S.p.A. is a multinational company with over 70 years of history, specializing in the production of plastic containers and furniture accessories. The design of Keter products has received international recognition, including the Red Dot Design Awards, the ID Annual Design Review, and the DIY Product of the Year. Keter Italia has contacted HENRY & CO. to study the environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of the tall outdoor cabinet model from the Planet line. The Planet Outdoor Alto is a waterproof and UV-resistant outdoor cabinet, equipped with metal hinges and adjustable shelves. 80% of the polymer component used in its production comes from recycling.
Joya barista lapte de migdale 1l

Joya barista lapte de migdale 1l

Joya barista almond milk 1l is a premium quality plant-based milk designed for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the rich and nutty flavor of almonds. With its smooth and creamy texture, this almond milk is perfect for creating the perfect latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee creation. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya barista almond milk provides the ideal foundation for your coffee creations. Crafted from the finest almonds, Joya barista almond milk ensures a fresh and authentic taste that enhances the flavors of your favorite coffee drinks. Its convenient 1L packaging makes it easy to use and store, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of this exceptional almond milk whenever you need it. Joya barista almond milk is your go-to choice for achieving delicious and satisfying coffee experiences with ease.


Viața de Zi cu Zi a unui Electrician în Le Raincy: Organizare și Managementul Timpului

Viața de Zi cu Zi a unui Electrician în Le Raincy: Organizare și Managementul Timpului

Le quotidien d'un électricien Le Raincy : organisation et gestion du temps - Les avantages de l'utilisation de l'énergie éolienne pour les installations élec ville:le-raincy dpt:93 region:ile-de-france
Revizuirea și modernizarea logo-ului - Dă o nouă viață brandului tău

Revizuirea și modernizarea logo-ului - Dă o nouă viață brandului tău

Revitalisez votre marque avec notre service de révision et de modernisation du logo et des éléments graphiques chez UPARTNER. Nous mettons à jour votre logo et d'autres éléments visuels pour les adapter aux tendances actuelles tout en préservant l'essence et la reconnaissance de votre marque. Que ce soit pour une refonte complète ou des ajustements subtils, notre équipe créative travaille en étroite collaboration avec vous pour garantir que vos éléments graphiques reflètent fidèlement votre identité et vos valeurs. Avec notre service de révision et de modernisation, donnez à votre marque un nouveau souffle et renforcez son attrait auprès de votre public
Nivelul 3 Prim Ajutor de Urgență la Locul de Muncă

Nivelul 3 Prim Ajutor de Urgență la Locul de Muncă

Gain the skills to act as a first aider! National Wellbeing's regulated QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF), offered by National Wellbeing, is designed for those designated to provide first aid in the workplace. It's also ideal for volunteers and community workers needing basic first aid training. Having a qualified first aider on-site is essential for workplace safety. By law, employers must ensure employees receive immediate care for injuries or illnesses that occur at work. This includes appointing enough first aiders and providing them with proper training. National Wellbeing’s QA Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is recognised by Ofqual. The course is designed for individuals who want to become designated first aiders in their workplace or volunteer organisations. It equips learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various emergency situations, including: Assessing and managing an unconscious casualty Performing CPR Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Assisting with choking incidents Managing shock Treating wounds, bleeding, and minor injuries This course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain the confidence to provide basic first aid in an emergency.Having a qualified first aider on-site is essential for workplace safety. By law, employers must ensure employees receive immediate care for injuries or illnesses that occur at work. This includes appointing enough first aiders and providing them with proper training. National Wellbeing’s QA Level 3 Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is recognised by Ofqual. The course is designed for individuals who want to become designated first aiders in their workplace or volunteer organisations. It equips learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various emergency situations, including: Assessing and managing an unconscious casualty Performing CPR Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Assisting with choking incidents Managing shock Treating wounds, bleeding, and minor injuries This course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain the confidence to provide basic first aid in an emergency.


Plan de Economii pentru Pensionare Individual pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate - Pachet fiscal pentru a construi economii suplimentare pentru pensionare pentru persoanele fizice autorizate.

Plan de Economii pentru Pensionare Individual pentru Persoane Fizice Autorizate - Pachet fiscal pentru a construi economii suplimentare pentru pensionare pentru persoanele fizice autorizate.

Les PER sont commercialisés par les compagnies d’assurance et permettent de réaliser une ou plusieurs opérations d’épargne financière pour atteindre les objectifs suivant pour la retraite : Se constituer une rente Se constituer un capital Le PERIN (Produit d’Épargne Retraite Individuel) est une enveloppe fiscale vous permettant de capitaliser une épargne que vous pourrez débloquer le jour de votre départ en retraite. Ce produit vous donne le choix entre déduire les versements de votre revenu brut global ou de ne pas les déduire.
Impermeabilizare - Impermeabilizarea este soluția ideală pentru a prelungi viața și aspectul țesăturilor.

Impermeabilizare - Impermeabilizarea este soluția ideală pentru a prelungi viața și aspectul țesăturilor.

A Impermeabilização é a solução ideal para prolongar a vida e o aspecto dos tecidos. A RESOLVE JÁ dispõe da mais recente tecnologia de Impermeabilização de Tecidos, criando uma camada protetora invisível contra todo o tipo de líquidos e nódoas. O nosso serviço é feito com a deslocação do nosso técnico credenciado ao seu domicílio ou empresa.
Listă de cumpărare pentru cartușe de cerneală goale și pline + toner plin (preferabil cu termen de valabilitate expirat) -

Listă de cumpărare pentru cartușe de cerneală goale și pline + toner plin (preferabil cu termen de valabilitate expirat) -

Ankaufliste leere, volle Tintenpatronen + volle Toner (Vollgut gerne MHD überlagert) - Kein Ankauf von leeren Tonern, aber Annahme von leeren Tonern gegen Bedingungen. Ankaufliste leere, volle Tintenpatronen, Druckerpatronen + volle Toner (Vollgut gerne MHD überlagert) - Volle gerne überlagert, abgelaufenes MHD (Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum), aus Geschäftsauflösungen, Insolvenzen, Spenden, Schenkungen u.ä. Kein Ankauf von leeren Tonern, aber kostenlose Annahme von leeren Tonern gegen Bedingungen.
Fotografie de Produs - Tăieturi, Fotografii de Atmosferă, Fotografii de Natură Moart, Fotografii de Imagine

Fotografie de Produs - Tăieturi, Fotografii de Atmosferă, Fotografii de Natură Moart, Fotografii de Imagine

Für Ihre Prospekte, Online-Shop etc. erstelle ich unter einbezug eine evtl vorhandenen Style-Guide, attraktive Produkt, Mood oder Still Life -Fotografien. Als Produktfotograf arbeite ich, mit einer 45,7 MP Vollformat Kamera und Makro Objektiven, alle optischen und wichtige Details mit der richtigen Farbwiedergabe heraus. Vorteile - Lieferung der Produktfotos binnen 7 – 14 Tage nach Produkt-Eingang - Auflösung nach deinen Anforderungen - Bearbeitet und retuschiert (Entfernen von Fehlern) - Dateiname nach Artikelnummer und Name - Gleichbleibende Qualität durch Einsatz der Überlagerungstechnik - Produktfotos als Freisteller, Still Life, Moodfoto oder Image - kommerzielle Nutzungsrechte inkl. - gegen Aufpreis direkte Logoimplementierung Produkte die Tabletop fotografiert werden können sollten eine Kantenlänge von max. 50 cm nicht übersteigen. Für Größere Produkte bitte ich um entsprechende Kontaktaufnahme.
Sprijin pentru victimele accidentelor din viață

Sprijin pentru victimele accidentelor din viață

Suite à un accident de la vie, la victime peut restée handicapée et garder de lourds préjudices corporels. Le droit à indemnisation n'est pas acquis d'office et cela va dépendre de certains paramètres : le lieu de l'accident, le contrat d'assurance couvrant le dommage corporel de la victime chez elle... Les premiers conseils indiquent en premier lieu qu'il ne faut pas rester seul et demander conseil auprès d'un avocat en droit du dommage corporel. Le premier échange téléphonique est gratuit et permet d'avoir une écoute attentive de la situation de la victime. Il est essentiel aussi de ne jamais se rendre seul à une expertise médicale organisée par son assurance en charge d'indemniser vos préjudices. L'accompagnement de la victime par son avocat sera un facteur de négociation déterminant dans la proposition d'indemnisation qui sera faite. Ne jamais signer une proposition d'indemnisation sans avoir été conseillé par son propre avocat.


Per la tua Assicurazione , rivolgiti a un’Agenzia king servizi ! Avrai un consulente a tua disposizione che ti aiuterà a individuare il prodotto giusto e a studiare la soluzione assicurativa più adatta alle tue esigenze. Grazie alla collaborazione con primarie Compagnie Assicurative , le Agenzie king servizi sono in grado di offrire le migliori soluzioni per il mondo auto e non solo.
Asamblare Mecanică - Realizează-ți proiectul prin conectarea componentelor

Asamblare Mecanică - Realizează-ți proiectul prin conectarea componentelor

Notre prestation de montage mécanique de précision est à la carte : approvisionnement des composants, contrôle qualité, montage, mise au point primaire, pre-recettage : définissez votre besoin, nous le réalisons. Notre offre couvre la mécanique, la micro-mécanique et la mécatronique. Elle complète vos services outillages, maintenance, méthodes, qualité. Elle touche aussi bien le montage de précision, la soudure de petits faisceaux, le câblage, le pneumatique, la connectivité, etc. Totalement transparente, elle repose sur la synergie avec vos équipes. Les revues régulières vous permettent de suivre l'avancement de votre réalisation. En fin de process, nous réalisons tous les contrôles de jeux, de parallélisme, de mesures dimensionnelles de friction afin de vous livrer des ensembles conformes à votre cahier des charges, contrôlés et validés
Asigurare de viață

Asigurare de viață

L’assurance-vie est le placement patrimoniale par excellence. Elle peut être utilisé de nombreuses façons pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs financiers. Vous pouvez notamment vous en servir pour protéger votre famille, pour épargner en vue de la retraite et pour préparer l'avenir. Avantages Liberté de verser, d’investir et de disposer de votre épargne. Taux d'impostition réduit après 8 ans. Fiscalité avantageuse pour la succession. Transmission sur-mesure par la clause bénéficiaire. Contrat admis en garantie pour un prêt bancaire. Inconvénients A conserver au minimum 8 ans. Risque de perte en capital si investi en unité de compte. HNOS PATRIMOINE sélectionne pour vous les meilleures opportunités d'investissements.
Evaluarea ciclului de viață (LCA) Bilanțul CO2 al unui produs sau serviciu

Evaluarea ciclului de viață (LCA) Bilanțul CO2 al unui produs sau serviciu

Erstellen eines PCF (Product Carbon Footprint) oder auch Ökobilanz nach , EN ISO 14040/44 Bilanz von Produkten Product Carbon Footprint Ein Product Carbon Footprint und Lebenszyklusanalyse (LCA, Life Cycle Assessment) erfasst systematisch alle Treibhausgasemissionen sowie sämtliche Auswirkungen eines Produktes oder einer Dienstleistung auf die Umwelt. Dabei wird das Produkt oder die Dienstleistung von der Wiege bis zur Bahre analysiert (from cradle to grave). Bei dieser Vorgehensweise werden sämtliche Rohstoffe, Produktionsprozesse, Transporte, der Verbrauch über die Lebensdauer sowie die Entsorgung betrachtet. Der Product Carbon Footprint bezeichnet die Mengen aller Treibhausgasemissionen des gesamten Lebenszyklus inklusive Nutzung und Entsorgung.
Soluții PLM pentru științele vieții - Configurarea procesului QA pentru soluții PLM

Soluții PLM pentru științele vieții - Configurarea procesului QA pentru soluții PLM

Neo PLM is a Process and Product Lifecycle Management provider to pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The product suite substantially reduces compliance risk and product cost by enabling the transformation to a modular, process design-centric structure that spans the entire product lifecycle. Neo engaged Symphony Solutions in 2016 to implement needed QA processes to suit the complexities of the Life Science industry. Through the new QA system, Neo improved the flow and transfer of knowledge across all stakeholders and processes. The QA system radically improved overall product quality and the verification of new features and updates in particular.
Evaluarea ciclului de viață (LCA) și Amprenta de carbon (AC)

Evaluarea ciclului de viață (LCA) și Amprenta de carbon (AC)

Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) y Huella de Carbono (HC) de Productos - Evaluamos la sostenibilidad de tu producto mediante la elaboración de un Análisis del Ciclo de Vida en el que calculamos todos los impactos potenciales de éste sobre el medioambiente y las personas, estudiamos los potenciales de mejora y lo comparamos con productos similares. Utilizamos una metodología basada en estándares internacionales (UNE-EN ISO 14040:2006). Diferénciate del resto ofreciendo un producto sostenible, nosotros te ayudamos a conseguirlo.
Venture Capital & StartUps - Aducând idei la viață

Venture Capital & StartUps - Aducând idei la viață

Doriţi să vă extindeţi afacerea, să finanţaţi o preluare a unui concurent sau să aveţi nevoie de ajutor pentru a stăpâni o situaţie? Ai o idee de afaceri mare, care trebuie să fie pus pe drumul cel bun? Să experţii noştri analizam cazul dumneavoastră şi se potrivesc cu reţeaua noastră vastă de investitori şi parteneri internaţionali pentru a vă oferi de intrare care aveţi nevoie pentru a prospera în orice situaţie. Intertrust Consulting are o navă de legătură strânsă cu fondurile de capital de risc şi este puternic angajat în lumea de startup-uri completarea lacunele cu serviciile sale de consultanţă şi prin furnizarea de finanţare tip Seed si Stage A.
Documentare despre viață

Documentare despre viață

Documentary about Life. Nature, leisure, tourism, outdoors, people, well-being
DIPLOMĂ DE COACH PRACTICANT - Formare pentru Coach de Viață

DIPLOMĂ DE COACH PRACTICANT - Formare pentru Coach de Viață

If you are new to coaching, this course is the ideal vehicle to achieve your coaching aspirations. You will engage in the development of fundamental knowledge together with the practical application and demonstration of essential coaching skills. Whatever your ultimate goal, the solid knowledge and skills base acquired through the Life Coaching course is vital to any form or arena of coaching. It is specifically designed to offer smooth progression to students who have already completed the Practitioner Coach Certificate, and/or want to progress onto the Executive and Corporate Coach Diploma. If you want to commence a career in Life Coaching, or plan to integrate core coaching skills into your present working role, this programme provides you with the relevant knowledge base and core skills to achieve your aim.
Ghid pentru Toate Situațiile Vieții

Ghid pentru Toate Situațiile Vieții

Von Geld sparen bis zum Geld verdienen finden Sie Ratgeber-eBooks aus unterschiedlichen Kategorien hier:
Evaluarea ciclului de viață al patului electric spitalicesc Delta4

Evaluarea ciclului de viață al patului electric spitalicesc Delta4

Malvestio is a leading company in the international healthcare landscape. The range of products offered by Malvestio addresses various needs, from the simplest healthcare furnishings to more specialized items, such as intensive care beds. With hundreds of thousands of beds produced for hospitals and nursing homes, Malvestio dedicates its efforts to people, making excellence not an end but a means to improve the quality of their lives, care, and safety. For this reason, Malvestio turned to HENRY & CO. to study the potential environmental impacts of its most successful hospital electric bed: the Delta4 model.
Joya barista lapte de cocos 1l

Joya barista lapte de cocos 1l

Joya barista coconut milk 1l is a premium coconut milk designed specifically for baristas and coffee enthusiasts. This plant-based milk offers a creamy texture and a subtle coconut flavor, making it perfect for creating smooth and frothy coffee beverages. Whether you're making a latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee drink, Joya Barista coconut milk provides the perfect complement to your coffee. Made from high-quality coconuts, Joya Barista coconut milk is a nutritious and sustainable alternative to dairy milk. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, making it a healthy choice for those looking to reduce their dairy intake. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya Barista coconut milk is sure to enhance your coffee experience with its creamy texture and delicious taste.
Joya barista lapte de soia 1l

Joya barista lapte de soia 1l

Joya barista soy milk 1l is a high-quality soy milk designed specifically for baristas and coffee enthusiasts. This plant-based milk offers a creamy texture and a neutral flavor, making it perfect for creating smooth and frothy coffee beverages. Whether you're making a latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee drink, Joya Barista soy milk provides the perfect complement to your coffee. Made from non-GMO soybeans, Joya Barista soy milk is a nutritious and sustainable alternative to dairy milk. It is an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients, making it a healthy choice for those looking to reduce their dairy intake. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya Barista soy milk is sure to enhance your coffee experience with its creamy texture and delicious taste.
Joya barista lapte de cocos 1l

Joya barista lapte de cocos 1l

Joya barista coconut milk 1l is a premium quality plant-based milk designed for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the rich and tropical flavor of coconut. With its smooth and creamy texture, this coconut milk is perfect for creating the perfect latte, cappuccino, or any other coffee creation. Whether you're a professional barista or a home coffee lover, Joya barista coconut milk provides the ideal foundation for your coffee creations. Crafted from the finest coconuts, Joya barista coconut milk ensures a fresh and authentic taste that enhances the flavors of your favorite coffee drinks. Its convenient 1L packaging makes it easy to use and store, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of this exceptional coconut milk whenever you need it. Joya barista coconut milk is your go-to choice for achieving delicious and satisfying coffee experiences with ease.
Trăiască ambalajul din carton pentru Mielizia

Trăiască ambalajul din carton pentru Mielizia

Mielizia is the historic brand of beekeepers from CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, a large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe. The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain. Mielizia contacted HENRY & CO. for the creation of a special project for reusing gift boxes, through a custom-designed cardboard packaging, and a social video campaign for their launch. The packaging represents the first interaction with the product, the first message that every company sends to its audience. For this reason, Mielizia challenged HENRY & CO. to find new uses for its shipping box. By studying the possible combinations between internal dividers and walls, HENRY & CO.
Iaurt cu termen lung de valabilitate

Iaurt cu termen lung de valabilitate

Iaurt Natural - IAUERT - DURATĂ LUNGĂ - 9 LUNI

Iaurt Natural - IAUERT - DURATĂ LUNGĂ - 9 LUNI

Iaurt cu Banane

Iaurt cu Banane

Yogurt banana place your order with us